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Outdoor Sport Venues

Batter up!!  Haldimand County offers multiple ball diamonds for youth and adult recreational baseball throughout the County.

Dunnville Tyke Diamond

HCCC/McKinnon Park
100 Haddington St.
One diamond with lights, washrooms, bleachers, playground, skate park

Kinsmen Park
49 Caithness St. West
One diamond, bleachers, washrooms

McKinnon Park Secondary School
91 Haddington St.
One diamond, bleachers

Caledonia Athletic Softball Association (CASA)

ball diamond at Caledonia McKinnon Park

Cayuga Kinsmen Park
61 Ouse Street South

One diamond with lights; washrooms; bleachers; playground


skate park at Cayuga Kinsmen Park

Alice & Albert Schram Park
275 Ramsey Drive

One diamond with lights, bleachers


ball diamond at Dunnville Alice and Albert Schram Park

Dunnville Kinsmen Park
985 John Street

Washrooms; bleachers; concession; playground;
Diamond #1: lights;
Diamond #2: youth only, no lights
Diamond #3: no lights


Dunnville Kinsmen Park Baseball Diamond #1

Dunnville Lions Park
640 Lock Street West

One diamond with lights; bleachers; concession; playground


Fisherville Lions Community Park
16 Main Avenue West

Washrooms; bleachers; concession; batting cage; playground; pavilion;
Diamonds #1 & #2: lights;
Diamond #3: T-ball – no lights

Kim Wilson (289) 339-3307

Hagersville Grant Kett Park
38 Sherring Street North

Washrooms; bleachers; concession; playground; pavilion;
Diamonds #1 & #3: lights;
Diamond #2: no lights


Grant Kett Memorial Kinsmen Park entrance sign and baseball diamond

Jarvis Lions Park
1 James Street East

Washrooms; bleachers; concession; playground; pavilion;
Diamonds #1 & #2: lights;
Diamond #3: no lights

Rentals:   Joe Feeney  (905) 981-5525

Selkirk Community Park
18 Main Street West

One diamond with lights; washrooms;
bleachers; playground; pavilion

Rentals:  Mike Mitchell  905-818-8151

Selkirk Ball Diamond

Townsend Lions Park
36 Forest Park Drive

Washrooms; concession; playground; pavilion;
Diamond #1: lights;
Diamond #2: no lights

Rentals:  Bill MacKenzie  (519) 587-5558; or
Eric Nielsen  289-442-4573;

Haldimand County offers multiple soccer fields operated by local youth soccer associations.

Soccer Ball

Caledonia Soccer Complex
64 McClung Road
Caledonia, ON  N3W 1V6

Broecheler Soccer Park
4698 Highway 3
Cayuga, ON
N0A 1E0

Broecheler Soccer Park

Dunnville Soccer Complex
120 Logan Road
Dunnville, ON
N1A 2W7

Entrance sign at Dunnville Soccer Park