Haldimand County Council meets to address the business of the County on a 3-week cycle, with the exception of a recess in July. Meetings can be watched in person or live-streamed from any device with an internet connection.
Council Information
Haldimand County operates under the Council in Committee System, which provides an opportunity for matters to be considered in a less formal, committee framework where resulting recommendations are passed on to the Council meeting for ratification. The committee agenda is structured according to Business Divisions which reflect the organizational structure of the County. Meetings are scheduled on a 3-week cycle.
Council in Committee meetings are held at 9:30 a.m. on the Tuesday prior to the scheduled Council meeting.
The purpose of the delegation process is to allow residents to make their views known to Council. Council welcomes and values input, comments, and suggestions.
Any individual or group requesting to speak at a Committee or Council meeting must first register as a delegation by completing the online registration form below. Shortly after submission, staff will notify you if your request has been approved. If you wish to speak at a Public Meeting that is scheduled in accordance with the Planning Act, 1990, as amended, you do not need to register as a delegation.
Any individual or group appearing before Council or Committee as a delegation will be incorporated into the publication of the meeting agenda and will form part of the public record. We encourage organizations or groups wishing to speak to Council to select one person to speak as their representative. Delegations will have ten (10) minutes for their presentation.
Any presentation material (including electronic) to be used as part of the delegation, must be submitted to the Clerk by noon on the business day prior to the meeting.
Delegations related to staff performance, labour relations, ongoing legal proceedings or solicitation of business will not be considered by a Committee or Council.
Any person who has appeared before Council in Committee and who wishes to present new information at the following Council meeting shall submit the online delegation request form below by noon at least five days prior to the Council meeting in order to be included on the agenda.
For information on the rules and order of delegation, please refer to the County’s Procedure-By-law-2477-23.
Delegation Request Form
Please note: Delegations will have ten (10) minutes in total per person, per group, or per organization for their presentation.
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