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Drinking Water

Water Restriction Level 1 – Careful Use – Outdoor Water Restrictions

Level 1 – Careful use – Outdoor Water Restrictions.  There are no municipal water use restrictions in place.

Haldimand County is responsible for the treatment and supply of clean, safe drinking water through our water treatment plants, reservoirs and booster stations.  County staff take water samples weekly to ensure the County’s drinking water is safe.  Staff also repair and maintain the distribution system, including watermains, hydrants and valves.

Drinking water quality in Haldimand County is regulated by the Ontario government through the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks under  the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002; Ontario Regulation 169/03 (water quality standards) and Ontario Regulation 170/03 (drinking water systems).

Notice to Caledonia and Cayuga Residents

As of November 2018, the City of Hamilton will begin adding orthophosphate into the municipal drinking water system as part of their Corrosion Control Program .

What is Orthophosphate?

Phosphoric acid is a food grade, colourless, odourless liquid that changes to orthophosphate when it mixes with water.  Orthophosphate is a phosphate-based inhibitor that creates a protective barrier on plumbing services to reduce the release of metals, such as lead and copper into the drinking water.

Water restrictions

Haldimand County uses Levels 1, 2 and 3 to describe water usage restrictions during the summer months for lawn and garden watering, vehicle washing and recreational use (sprinklers for children, splash pads).  We request that residents use alternate day watering, which is water usage on even or odd calendar days depending on your address, as outlined in Water Use By-law 1420/14.

Level 1 – Careful Use – there are no restrictions for water use.  Activities permitted include lawn, tree, shrub and garden watering; residential vehicle washing; recreational sprinklers for children; splash pads; filling residential swimming and wading pools, hot tubs, garden ponds or fountains.  Please note: hoses used for washing vehicles must have a shut-off nozzle.

Alternate day water use is voluntary.

Level 2 – Limited Use – restrictions for outdoor water use are in effect.  Alternate day water use for watering is mandatory with even number address on even calendar days and odd number address on odd calendar days.  Activities include: watering lawns, trees, shrubs, flowers, gardens; residential vehicle washing; filling residential swimming and wading pools, hot tubs, garden ponds or fountains.

Activities not included under the restriction: hand watering (using a watering can) on trees, shrubs, flowers, gardens; recreational sprinklers for children; splash pads.

Level 3 – Restricted Use – use of water for watering or recreational use is not allowed.

Tips for Conserving Water During the Summer

Proper circulation and disinfection systems will allow for less emptying, cleaning and refilling requirements.

Cover all pools and hot tubs when not in use to prevent evaporation.  Hundreds of gallons can potentially be lost each month if not covered.

Use a bucket instead of a hose.  Hoses use 4 times the water.

Lawn watering

  • Try not to water between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.
  • Longer grass allows for moisture conservation and needs less water.
  • Be sure to water slowly to avoid run off and aim sprinklers away from sidewalks, driveways and streets.
  • Watering 1/2 inch twice per week promotes healthier grass and avoids over-saturating the ground.

Watering trees, shrubs, flowers and gardens

  • Use mulch and soaker hoses to reduce evaporation.
  • Conserve treated water by implementing rain barrels to collect water for use on lawns and gardens.

Water Quality Reports

The Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks has deemed Haldimand County as having 3 distinct drinking water systems:

The Nanticoke drinking water system supplies water to the communities of Hagersville, Townsend, Jarvis and the industries located at Lake Erie Industrial Park.

The Dunnville drinking water system supplies water to Dunnville.

The Caledonia and Cayuga distribution system receives water from the City of Hamilton.

Water in the Caledonia and Cayuga distribution system has fluoride and orthophosphate (as of November 2018) added to it at the Woodward Water Treatment Plant in Hamilton.  Haldimand County does not add flouride or orthophosphate to the Nanticoke or Dunnville water systems.

The DWQMS (Drinking Water Quality Management Standard) requires that the Operational Plan for Drinking Water Systems is made available for public viewing at the principal office of the owner and/or on a website that is accessible to the public.  If you would like to view Haldimand County’s Operational Plan for our Drinking Water Systems, please request access from Haldimand County Water and Wastewater Operations.

Ontario Clean Water Agency’s (OCWA) Quality and Environmental Management System (QEMS) ensures that Haldimand County’s water treatment facilities are being operated in an efficient, safe and environmentally responsible manner, which includes processes for identifying and mitigating risks that may affect the County’s drinking water facilities.  More information on OCWA’s QEMS policy can be found here.