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Boards and Committees

Haldimand County’s boards and committees provide Council and staff with input on a wide variety of issues. The County welcomes residents representing diverse backgrounds to participate on local boards and committees.

Becoming a member offers a unique chance to volunteer your skills to the betterment of our community, meet new people, share your ideas, and develop your skills while addressing a common interest.

The Agricultural Advisory Committee advises Council on matters, issues and policies pertaining to agriculture and agribusiness in Haldimand County, in order to sustain the vitality of the municipality’s economic base. The Committee meets bi-monthly on the third Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. Please review the Terms of Reference for more details.

2024 Meeting Schedule:

  • January 17
  • March 20
  • May 15
  • July 17
  • September 18
  • November 20

For more information on this committee, please contact





The key role of the Business Development and Planning Advisory Committee is to offer advice and perspectives on what is happening within Haldimand County’s business community and provide feedback on the success of Haldimand County’s Economic Development and Tourism strategies. The Committee will provide input on the proposed annual divisional work plan as well as the proposed operating and capital budget to be submitted to Council for final approval. The Committee meets bi-monthly at 9:00 a.m. Please review the Terms of Reference for more details.

2024 Meeting Schedule:

  • January 29
  • March 11
  • May 13
  • July 22
  • September 9
  • November 18

For more information on this committee, please contact





Please refer to the Committee of Adjustment Applications page for information related to Committee of Adjustment.

Committee of Adjustment Procedure By-law 2236/21

Haldimand County is pleased to have launched its first ever Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee. The Committee will serve in an advisory capacity to Haldimand County Council, Senior Staff and the Police Services Board on matters, issues and policies on promoting inclusion, respect, understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity within the community. Please review the Terms of Reference for more details.

As of May 2024: Please view scheduled meetings, agendas and meeting minutes on our Council Meetings Page.

Visit our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee page for more details.

For more information on this committee, please contact





As of April 1, 2024, the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 came into effect, replacing the Police Services Act, 1990 and dissolving Police Services Boards. The new legislation requires a detachment-based board. The Haldimand O.P.P. Detachment services Haldimand County and Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. These two communities form the detachment area.

Board Composition

The Board includes 7 appointed members, consisting of the following:

  • 2 Haldimand County Council appointments – Shelley Ann Bentley and Marie Trainer
  • 2 Haldimand County community appointments – Lorne Boyko and Stuart McAskill
  • 1 Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation Council appointment – Leslie Maracle
  • 1 Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation community appointment – Nadine LaForme
  • 1 Provincial appointment – Vacant

Roles and Responsibilities

The Board is responsible for:

  • consulting with the Commissioner regarding the selection of a detachment commander and otherwise participating in accordance with the regulations in the selection of the detachment commander;
  • determining objectives and priorities for the detachment, not inconsistent with the strategic plan prepared by the Minister, after consultation with the detachment commander or his or her designate;
  • advising the detachment commander with respect to policing provided by the detachment;
  • monitoring the performance of the detachment commander;
  • reviewing the reports of the detachment commander regarding policing provided by the detachment; and
  • on or before June 30 in each year, providing an annual report to the municipality and band council regarding the policing provided by the detachment in their municipality or First Nation.

For more details, visit

Please view scheduled meetings, agendas and minutes on our Council Meetings Page.

For more information on this board, please contact

The purpose of Heritage Haldimand is to assist and advise Haldimand County Council on the conservation of the community’s cultural heritage resources, in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act, the Planning Act, the Official Plan and associated by-laws. The committee meets on the last Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Haldimand County Administration Building. Please review the Terms of Reference for more details.

As of May 2024: Please view scheduled meetings, agendas and meeting minutes on our Council Meetings Page.

For more information on this committee, please contact



The purpose of the Museums Advisory Board is to provide advice and recommendations to Council with respect to policy issues related to Haldimand County’s museums and artifact collections. Haldimand Museums are comprised of Edinburgh Square Heritage and Cultural Centre, the Wilson MacDonald Memorial School Museum and the Haldimand County Museum and Archives (Haldimand Heritage Centre). Please review the Terms of Reference for more details.

For more information on this committee, please contact



Please refer to the Library Board page for more information.

The purpose of the Seniors Advisory Committee (HCSAC) is to provide a forum for the exchange of information on senior’s needs, options and initiatives across Haldimand County. Participation on a HCSAC provides citizens with the opportunity to more actively engage in their local government. This works to strengthen community relationships and creates a mechanism for open and meaningful dialogue on municipal issues thereby enhancing the quality of life that Haldimand County seniors residents enjoy. Please review the Terms of Reference for more details.

As of May 2024: Please view scheduled meetings, agendas and meeting minutes on our Council Meetings Page

For more information on this committee, please contact



The purpose of the Trails Advisory Committee is to represent and oversee trail interests on behalf of the residents and trail interest groups across Haldimand County. Please review the Terms of Reference for more details.



The purpose of the Youth Advisory Committee (HCYAC) is to provide a forum for the exchange of information on youth needs, options and initiatives across Haldimand County. To provide youth with a better understanding of municipal structure and decision making. Participation on a HCYAC provides citizens with the opportunity to more actively engage in their local government. This works to strengthen community relationships and creates a mechanism for open and meaningful dialogue on municipal issues thereby enhancing the quality of life that Haldimand County youth residents enjoy. Please review the Terms of Reference for more details.

As of May 2024: Please view scheduled meetings, agendas and meeting minutes on our Council Meetings Page

For more information on this committee, please contact

