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Hagersville Master Servicing Plan Update

Hagersville Water Tower


Map of Hagersville Master Servicing Plan Update Study AreaHaldimand County completes Master Servicing Plans (MSPs) updates for water, wastewater, stormwater, and transportation servicing for five different communities/service areas within the County: Caledonia, Hagersville, Jarvis, Cayuga, and Dunnville. Each of these MSPs are updated approximately every five to ten years.

In 2009, the Hagersville MSP for water, wastewater, stormwater, and transportation was completed. In 2023, Haldimand County retained J.L. Richards & Associates Limited (JLR) and CIMA+ (previously C3 Water Inc.) to prepare an MSP Update for Hagersville that fulfills the Phase 1 and Phase 2 requirements of a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA). The purpose of this MSP update was to identify the individual water, wastewater, stormwater, and transportation infrastructure improvements required for future servicing needs in Hagersville and develop an implementation plan for these upgrades.

This MSP was completed in accordance with the Municipal Engineers Association MCEA process, which is an approved process under the Environmental Assessment Act.

A presentation was made at the Council in Committee meeting held on June 19, 2024. The Hagersville Master Servicing Plan Report was adopted by Council.

A recording of the Council in Committee meeting can be viewed online.

This Master Servicing Plan is being placed on public record for a 30-day review period in accordance with the requirements of the MCEA process. Written comments regarding the Master Servicing Plan Report can be provided to the project team until August 3, 2024.  The documents can be found below in the Hagersville Master Servicing Project File Report. If you would like to receive a copy of this study, please contact a member of the project team at 905-318-5932, Ext. 6404.

Consultants and Methodology

J.L. Richards and Associates Limited (JLR) and CIMA+ (previously C3 Water Inc.) were retained by Haldimand County to lead the Hagersville Master Servicing Plan.

This Master Plan is being conducted under the framework of the Municipal Engineers Association (MEA) Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) process. The MCEA process is a planning tool that identifies infrastructure requirements for existing and future land use through the application of environmental assessment principles. The Master Plan process is intended to satisfy the following phases of the MCEA process:

  • Phase 1: Problem and/or opportunity identification
  • Phase 2: Identification and evaluation of alternative solutions

This Master Plan is being completed with sufficient detail to fulfill the requirements for Schedule ‘B’ projects (Approach 2). Projects categorized as Schedule B undertakings have the potential for significant environmental impacts and are required to follow specific phases under the MCEA. This includes consultation with all parties that may potentially be affected by the project and the preparation of an MCEA Project File Report that documents the MCEA process.

For this Master Plan, the Project File Report will be made available for public and agency review at the completion of the MCEA process for a mandatory 30-day period. A request may be made to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) for an order requiring a higher level of study (i.e., requiring an individual/comprehensive EA approval before being able to proceed), or that conditions be imposed (e.g., require further studies), only on the grounds that the requested order may prevent, mitigate or remedy adverse impacts on constitutionally protected Aboriginal and treaty rights. If there are no requests to the MECP for a ‘Part II Order’ within the review period, then proposed Schedule ‘B’ projects can proceed to implementation (Phase 5). At this point, any Schedule ‘C’ projects would be identified for further study.

Study Area Location and Map

This Master Plan is being completed for the community of Hagersville, which is located within the western part of the County at the crossroads of Highway 6 and County Road 20 (King Street). The study area boundary encompasses the urban boundary of Hagersville.

Map of Hagersville Master Servicing Plan Update Study Area

Study Phase 1

Background Review and Existing Conditions Update (Complete):

  • Compile and review existing information and prepare working maps
  • Update existing conditions in systems models (water, wastewater, stormwater, transportation)
  • Initiate Public, Agency, and First Nations Consultation Program
  • Conduct Public Information Centre No. 1 and document stakeholder input

Growth Forecast and Assessment of Future Needs (Complete):

  • Review planning projections and distribution of growth
  • Update servicing assumptions and requirements
  • Establish future conditions in water, wastewater, stormwater, and transportation

Study Phase 2

Development of Preferred Servicing Strategies (Complete):

  • Use constraints to develop a list of servicing solutions
  • Conduct initial screening of options followed by a detailed evaluation
  • Prepare design concepts
  • Conduct Public Information Centre No. 2 and document stakeholder input

Implementation Plans, Final Report, and Presentation (Complete):

  • Prepare project implementation sheets and final report
  • Presentation to Council

Next Steps

This Master Plan is being placed on public record for a 30-day review period in accordance with the requirements of the MCEA process. Written comments regarding the Master Plan Project File Report can be provided to the project team by August 3, 2024.

We want to hear from industry, businesses, and residents on the Master Servicing Plan.

The Master Servicing Plan will include a public engagement and consultation program with a variety of outreach to applicable groups and seeking input from interested parties, individuals, businesses, and groups in Haldimand County.

Town Hall and Public Meetings:

Holding public meetings will ensure a thorough vetting of the proposed alternatives. Two Public Information Centres have been held to present information to the public and gather input from stakeholders, rightsholders and residents on the proposed servicing alternatives.

If you have any questions regarding the study, please contact one of the people listed below.

Jane Wilson, P. Eng.
Senior Environmental Engineer
J.L. Richards & Associates Limited
107-450 Speedvale Avenue West
Guelph, ON  N1H 7Y6
Phone:  226-780-7487

Philip Wilson
Manager – Water & Wastewater Engineering
Haldimand County
53 Thorburn St. South
Cayuga, ON  N0A 1E0
Phone: 905-318-5932 ext. 6431