Haldimand County is growing. Over the past ten years, the County has seen and continues to see a substantial increase in residential development. With increased residential development there is a need to provide increased employment opportunities for Haldimand residents and to ensure a good balance in terms of the County’s tax base. While commercial/employment-focused inquiries also continue to rise, one of the most significant challenges in growing our employment numbers is the lack of well-located shovel-ready employment lands to direct these inquiries to.
Following the recent completion and approval of the Official Plan Update – Phase 1 (in December 2021), it was further identified that there is a need for the County to play a role in the development of employment lands. The municipal comprehensive review and the growth analysis process outlined that moving forward Haldimand County shall:
- Accommodate the Provincial 2051 forecast of 77,000 residents and 29,000 jobs;
- Accommodate an additional population of 30,000 new residents and 12,700 new households and 11,000 new jobs by 2051;
Further identified in Haldimand County’s Growth Analysis (to 2051) is that a key driver of Haldimand’s future population and economic growth is its geographic location within Ontario. Haldimand is located within the southwest region of the Greater Golden Horseshoe (GGH) Outer Ring. The magnitude and distribution of growth through the GGH is of key significance to Haldimand County. More specifically, as the remaining greenfield areas of the more mature areas to the west of the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) gradually build out, increasing outward growth pressure will be placed on the outlying municipalities of the GGH Outer Ring. For Haldimand County, this outward growth issue is anticipated to be most heavily felt in the County’s larger urban centres, most notably Caledonia, and to a lesser extent Hagersville.
The key objectives of the North Caledonia Employment Lands Feasibility and Servicing study are to continue to promote economic development within Haldimand County by ensuring there is an adequate supply of serviced and developable lands to attract target employment sectors and businesses over the long term.
Phase 1 concluded with a presentation on the Feasibility and Servicing Study, to Council on September 19th. Watch the presentation to Council and read the study.
This conceptual plan of the North Caledonia Employment Lands, provided preliminary direction on the function of the lands and how they will access municipal servicing such as water, wastewater, and other utilities, as well as transportation considerations.
Phase 2, which consists of the Financial Analysis and Business Plan is expected to conclude in early 2024. The County remains committed to implementing a robust public engagement and consultation program throughout Phase 2. This will involve outreach to key stakeholders, committees, landowners, and First Nations. A public meeting and presentation to County Council is also planned to occur later this year. For further information on the Feasibility Study work plan and additional opportunities to be involved, please continue reading.